Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dramatic Weather ~

During one of my weddings over the weekend there was a dramatic Storm that blew in! I saw what was coming and immediately grabbed a 14mm super wide f/2.8 at 160 of a second, no flash and with an ISO of 1000, and without haste ran with the bride splashing in the rain to seize the moment and boy did we ever~! Take a look at this these double rainbow pictures captured after the micro burst! The bright glow you see in the center of the crest of the rainbow is coming from back lighting of the sun piercing around the corner of the house illuminating the rainbow's center spectrum giving it a nuclear like explosion effect; which also perfectly lit up the brides face as well! These images have had no vignette's placed on it's borders, but what you see are natural dark closures from the sphere of the lens accentuating the clouds naturally. After capturing these amazing moments, it started to rain again and so I sent the Bridesmaids out to splash and play in it and SPLASH they did! Singing IN The Rain just became alive once more! WATCH SLIDESHOW All my best, D`A N D R E W ~

See more of these dramatic weather images with the bride under the Rainbow by watching the slideshow: (Be sure to mute the sound on D`Andrew's home page, so you can enjoy the music of the slideshow. Then unmute the music when finished to Enjoy!) WATCH SLIDESHOW

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