Saturday, February 16, 2008

Recap of 2007 - Europe

Hi this is Brook – D`Andrew’s assistant. So it’s been nearly a year since the last blog was posted. 2007 was a fabulous, very busy year for the studio, and our blog seriously suffered. Thought we'd get caught up by giving a recap of highlighted events that D`Andrew has worked on and photographed during 2007. He will be personally updating his blog starting next month. So keep checking back to see what’s new and the fabulous photos he’s taken.

We'll start off where we left off with the last blog. Stephanie was planning a wedding in the States, but wanted to do an expedition shoot in Europe. Stephanie and Deric's pictures turned out incredible. They did some shots in Paris around the Eiffel Tower and then in some quaint little villages in Germany.

At the Louvre

On the streets in Paris. Under the Eiffel Tower ~

Stephanie got lots of attention from the tourists.

Here's Stephanie in Lanstuhl, Germany - I love these buildings and the architecture!

Nanstein Castle outside of Lanstuhl - this image has such a romantic look.

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